Fellow alumni members, friends, and supporters, as the year 2021 draws to a close and we are actively participating in the festive season of Christmas and other holidays in the month of December, on behalf of the CAAAI Executive Board, we extend a heartfelt Merry Christmas to the entire Cambridge family in Guyana, the United States, the Caribbean, and the rest of the world; may the season bring you peace, joy, unity, and comfort.
We suffer no illusion that 2021 was not without difficulty for our association’s members as we continue to battle the pandemic, lose jobs, and even lives of our loved ones. But we continue to place our hope and faith in a merciful God who has never left us and will continue to provide our needs and wishes for the coming year, 2022.
We would be remiss, however, if this message did not include some glimmers of light for CAAAI during 2021. In spite of the hardships, this year you successfully rallied around the membership committee’s ‘Sip-and-Chat’ program, you supported the ‘Prayer Warriors’ events, you increased your readership of the association’s ‘Website and Facebook’, and you increased your donations to the Nehemiah Comprehensive School in 2021, for which we thank you so very much.
Your willingness to be involved in the transparent activities of the CAAAI during this year, has sent a clear message to the Executive Board that your support of the association’s mission is strong and unwavering. We pledge to continue to work for and with you to further the legacy of the late Robert A. Pinkerton, Founder-Principal of Cambridge Academy, and to provide support to Nehemiah our partnership school. Thank you again for your steadfast support and friendship in 2021, and we wish you and your families all the very best for a happy, healthy, and safe 2022.
God Bless and Keep You All.

Dr. Desiree DeFlorimonte, CEO

Dr. Aubrey Bentham, President